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Monday, October 27, 2008

Qik Finally Announces Streaming Video for BlackBerry

Blackberry Bold

Qik, a startup that allows you to stream live video to the web directly from your phone, has launched support for RIM's incredibly popular Blackberry platform. The software is currently available in an alpha state (so don't be surprised if you encounter bugs), and includes support for the Blackberry Bold and Pearl (other phones, like the Flip and Curve, will be available in a later release that the company expects soon).

This brings Qik to a much broader platform, and also helps cement Qik's lead in terms of device support well ahead of competitors Kyte and Flixwagon, neither of which support Blackberry. However, Qik will have another competitor on the Blackberry platform: today's news comes hot on the heels (and may have been prompted by) the launch of Next2Friends, the first streaming video application that supported Blackberries.



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